Monday, 15 October 2018

Please respond to GRA

A short post to say please get involved in the response to the current government consultation on the Gender Reassignment Act if you haven't already. The Act as it stands at the moment is costly and time consuming, as well as taking agency away from trans people. The consultation ends on Friday and so this is now urgent. *NB Consultation deadline has been extended to Monday 22nd October.

Stonewall have done a guide to what's wrong with the current legislation and how people might want to respond. 

There has been scaremongering in the media and a sustained campaign which has seen a coalition between trans excluding feminists and conservative Christians. This has had an impact on all trans people. The level of vitriol that has been unleashed is scary. I have seen the toll it is taking on trans people and it is not good. I am scared for my husband in a way I haven't been since he started transitioning.

A few points, the risk of people committing suicide as a result of being trans and not being recognised as who they are is a much higher risk than those who may abuse the law.

The view that it increases the risk of pedophilia is one that was used against gay men having legal rights and is now being used to raise a moral panic against trans people.

If the voices who oppose trans rights were really being silenced in this debate they wouldn't have been able to take out news paper ads and so on spreading their views.

I could go on but I want to say please support this legislation to support people like my husband who is f to m trans and my sibling who is gender queer. I also want the spousal veto removing because I should not have any power or say, legally, in whether he gets an interim or full gender recognition certificate.

I know that some people will disagree with this because of their biblical interpretation. I would say if that is you and you have really thought  and prayed it through please still respond with your views. Involvement in the debate is important but please remember that we are not talking about "an issue" we are talking about people . And alot of those people are scared and hurting right now as a result of the hate which they have seen directed at them in the media and elsewhere over the last few weeks particularly.