I know I was going to post another couple of cis partner of
a trans person posts but just to let you know at the moment they are on hold. I
recently read the book of The Danish Girl, (which is very readable and quite
different to the film) and for reasons I don’t quite get I found it a
personally hard read in places.
That together with life being very, very busy at the moment
means I am planning on pausing the series and posts on that topic. One of the
important things for us all, whatever our situation, is knowing when we need to
take a bit of self-care in order to be able to support others more fully.
Sometimes it seems it's not possible but often it is….just by thinking about small things
like do we need to alter our social media engagement for a short while or
sometimes for a longer season.
At the moment I’m in a place where I need to learn to still
my mind and let myself recharge in bites. I’m finding adult colouring so useful
for this and a great way to pray. I find it hard to totally just stop but adult
colouring enables you to still the mind whilst still doing something with your
hands. The change of colours also, if I am using it as a prayer activity,
allows me to pray for one thing (whilst colouring in that shade) and then move
to another topic or theme when I swap the pencil.

I guess, ironically, that in seeking not to address the
questions I was looking at I have actually jumped to question 3 “what sustains
Well as you can see creative prayer is part of what
sustains me. Besides colouring I find using music (secular or “Christian”)
really useful in sustaining me. One of my favourite songs for using to come
into God’s presence is Nirvana’s Come As You Are. My mind subverts the lyrics
to let me know God is already here, but in prayer I choose to acknowledge
coming into his presence and he invites me to do that just as I am.
I also find reading a great way to remove myself from
whatever I am worrying about, stressing about. My favourite places to read are
in coffee shops, gardens or beaches. In Birmingham I have discovered
Winterbourne House and Garden……it’s a wonderful place with quite a nice tea
room too. Grabbing a pot of earl grey and toasted tea cake, whilst escaping the
world with a book is something I use to sustain myself and provide a touch of
I could go on but that would be counterproductive. I will
be back on this topic and probably other random things in between but in the
meantime go well.
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